IBM and Lanzadera sign an agreement to boost startups technologically

Lanzadera, Juan Roig’s business accelerator and incubator that is part of the Marina de Empresas entrepreneurial ecosystem, has signed an agreement with IBM to technologically boost new emerging businesses. Through this collaboration, as part of the Lanzadera Space initiative, startups will have access to the IBM Cloud platform, which includes artificial intelligence, blockchain, security and meteorological data, among others, through the ‘Startup with IBM’ programme, which offers a technology loan for up to 120,000 dollars for one year.

As part of the agreement, IBM will also provide Shuttle entrepreneurs with the technical support they need to optimize the use of the IBM Cloud platform, through technical specialists, and will provide access to mentors through IBM’s “Sponsor a Startup” program. In turn, IBM will provide entrepreneurs with courses and training pills on emerging technologies. In fact, the first talks with content such as IBM Cloud or container technology are already planned with Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

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