These are the finalists for the AJEV 2020 Award

The Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Valencia wanted to continue with the celebration of its awards despite the current circumstances. “Now more than ever we want to recognise the work of our young Valencian companies”, says Jose Vicente Villaverde, president of AJEV.

Yesterday the jury met to decide the finalists and winners from the 32 entries submitted. The jury was made up of: José Vicente Villaverde, President of AJEV; Rebeca Torró, Regional Secretary for the Economy; Eva Blasco, President of CEV Valencia; Julio Olmos, General Coordinator of Economic Development of Valencia City Council; Inmaculada Carbonell, Coordinator of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Employment of Cámara Valencia; Juan Gallur, Director of Business Banking of Caixa Popular; Jesús Casanova, Director of CEEI Valencia; Ana Carrau, Vice President of AJEV and Pedro Reig, President of AJECV and Secretary General of AJEV.

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