The Valencian innovation project of Greenb2e, reference in the Climate Summit (COP25)

The innovation project developed by the Valencian company Greenb2e of valorization of energy surpluses and tokenization of CO2 emissions through blockchain technology will be presented this Thursday as an example of success story at the 2019 Climate Summit (COP25), which is being held these days in Madrid.

Greenb2e has been working for three years on this innovation project developed in the third call Bankia Fintech by Innsomnia. It is worth remembering, as this newspaper published two months ago, that both entities – with funding from the Valencian company Colectual – carried out a proof of concept -POC in English for its initials, Proof of Concept- in a solar pumping installation in the Ciudarealeño municipality of Argamasilla de Alba.

Read the full story at Valencia Plaza.