Raúl Martín: Innovating in Food

“Life takes you down different paths depending on what you study, the people you know and events”, and Raúl Martín’s decisions have taken him to a point where he acknowledges being “very happy”. The current director of KM Zero acknowledges and is responsible for the Ftalks international meeting on innovation in food, which was held this week in Valencia, says he is “quite nonconformist” and that years ago he did not imagine occupying this position. After studying Computer Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Martín studied an MBA (Master of Business Administration) at the University of Barcelona.

Although Martín confesses that the decision to study this career was determined by the fact that there was no technical drawing, as he assures that “I wasn’t good at anything”, from then on, the path of the current director of the private innovation centre was completed with opportunities that he didn’t let slip.

Read the full story at Las Provincias