Next Electric Motors: Electric motorcycles the Chinese way

A strange alliance shaped the startup that, a year after launching its first vehicle, is called to guide the electric motorcycle industry. The company has been captured by Juan Roig’s accelerator.

When they met, the Next Electric Motors team was still divided into two parts. On the one hand, Estefanía Hernández and Antonio Navarro, who had worked together on the Guepardo Team project, creating racing motorcycles. On the other hand, Ben Xu and Xulei Xu, two colleagues with a background in engineering, international trade and finance. They shared, without knowing it, the same idea of forming a company related to the world of motorcycles. The Science Park of the UMH served as a ‘matchmaker’ for them to bring their ideas together, but the first contact was by no means reliable. Antonio and Estefanía thought that this unknown couple «wanted to steal the idea from us». With these words, a meeting between Navarro and Xu, which was supposed to last no longer than five minutes, never to be seen again, ended up in «having to close the cafeteria where we met and continued to talk about our idea sitting on a bench», they explain.

Read the full story at Valencia Plaza